Life Insurance for Dementia or Alzheimer's
Finding life insurance for someone who has Alzheimer's disease or dementia is one of Outlook Life's most common requests. With a long history of working with seniors, we are uniquely qualified to assist people in getting this type of coverage."
Fill out the form on the right to get a free life insurance quote for you or your loved one who suffers from dementia.
Being diagnosed with dementia can make you feel powerless. But there is a part of your future you may still control. You may still get life insurance.
No one wants to leave their loved ones having to pay for their funeral and other final expenses. But for those who have been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's Disease, it can be especially difficult to realize that you may not even be aware of what is going on at that time. In the midst of so many unknowns, being able to pre-fund your final expenses with life insurance, can bring you great peace.
Outlook Life understands dementia AND knows how to help.
Fortunately or not, dementia is real to us, due to past work experience and present family situations. As always, Outlook Life is ready to assist you with compassion, knowledge, and expertise. It is not a complicated process to get life insurance while having cognitive fact, no exam or phone interview is required. However, there are limited choices, and those each have their own guidelines.
This is where we come in, to do the groundwork for you and explain it to you in clear and simple clear terms. Then get you that policy so you can breathe easier, knowing you got sound coverage that will pull through when you need it.
If you or someone you love has dementia or Alzheimer's and needs life insurance, give us a call at 866-866-0242. You will never regret the call.
For more information, read this article about life insurance for people with dementia or Alzheimer''s at, written by Peg Mace, Outlook Life, CEO.