Affordable Diabetes Life Insurance
Here are some of the tips that we have gleaned over the past 15 years, that can help people with diabetes save money on life insurance."
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What do life insurance companies look at when underwriting for diabetes?
1) Age of diagnosis
Diabetic life insurance rates tend to be lower the older you are when diagnosed (if diabetes is well controlled and overall health is good). However, we have very reasonably priced policies for type 1 diabetics diagnosed as young as three years old.
2) How long have you had diabetes?
It’s best to apply for diabetic life insurance after you’ve been on treatment for a few months, although that’s not necessary with some companies. The rates might be higher if you’ve been diabetic for many years.
3 ) What type of diabetes do you have?
A person with type 1 diabetes will pay more than type 2, all else being equal. But type 2 diabetes with poor control can end up costing more than type 1 diabetes with good control. Some companies rate less with use of oral medication; others will rate the same for type 2 diabetics who use insulin.
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4) Is your diabetes under control?
Persons who have neuropathy, protein in urine, episodes of diabetic coma, or A1C’s that consistently run over 10 can usually still get life insurance, but it will cost more than those who have low A1C’s and no side effects. In fact, people with well controlled diabetics can get almost any type of life insurance that those with good health can get.
5) What medications do you take?
Having a long list of medications does not necessarily mean a higher rate, as it does with some health conditions. Some of the best diabetes doctors will treat their patients with multiple diabetic drugs that work well together, and prescribe medications that are effective in preventing certain side effects. On the other hand, some medications will indicate that your diabetes is causing problems with other body functions, and that can make your life insurance cost more.
To find your best diabetes life insurance quote, keep an open mind to all the choices available to you. Our diabetic life insurance specialists have handled hundreds of cases similar to yours and can guide you to the best diabetic life insurance product for you.